I can't comment. Firstly cos I have a 'headache' so missed the meeting and have no intention of reading that crap if I don't have to, and secondly cos I think I'm a decent husband, but I know full well that I won't be viewed that way any longer when I stop 'theocratic activities', whenever that may be.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
JoinedPosts by disposable hero of hypocrisy
cl chap 10 para 8-17.....Do you think it reflects JWs or not?
by KateWild inthe first subheading talks about families.
personally i don't think it represents our family and the wt have covered up my ex's transgressions and he remains a jw.
he violently abused us, he divorced me unscripturally, he continues to take us to court and my son wants nothing to do with him or wt.. i am df'd for trying to expose this.
An idiot abroad. Kind of funny and sad....
by DATA-DOG ini just stated watching this on netflix.
i don't know what to make of it.
it seems somewhat scripted.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Brilliant program, Karl knows exactly the personal he's portraying, he's not daft, he's simply saying what we all think at times but wouldn't dare externalise!
For those in the Watchtower who believe in the inerrancy of the Bible
by opusdei1972 inthe watchtower says:.
9 while most major books of religion say very little, if anything, about god, the bible acquaints us with jehovah god and his activities.
it helps us to see the many facets of his personality.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Damn you, I need to do some actual studying now!
Losing Faith in Faith..
by Dis-Member ini came across this lecture at 3am not being able to sleep by dan baker.
it details his transition from christian fundamentalist to atheist and the various shades in-between.
he realises that every denomination of christian can open the bible and prove to you that they have the right interpretation and everyone else is wrong.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Flipping heck man, are you in my head?
Nicely articulated..I'm wit ya dude.
For those in the Watchtower who believe in the inerrancy of the Bible
by opusdei1972 inthe watchtower says:.
9 while most major books of religion say very little, if anything, about god, the bible acquaints us with jehovah god and his activities.
it helps us to see the many facets of his personality.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Oh oh.
One of the key things that kept me believing all these years was the Daniel prophecies....
I'm going to have to read this carefully..
About one year on
by thedog1 init's about a year since i started visiting this website.
it all started with the july 15 wt last year and all the changes.
lazy me had not read it online so when one bro said to me at the hall, 'have you read all the new stuff in that issue' i didn't know what he was talking about.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Careful mate, trusted they may be, but when the cult programming kicks back in they'll be forced to take action of some kind to "help" you. With the best of interest rooms of course, but misguidedly...
I foundout that two of my conversations had been reported by two different brothers a while back. I don't blame the brothers, I would've done the same a couple years ago, they are trying to help, but it can land you in hot water...
About one year on
by thedog1 init's about a year since i started visiting this website.
it all started with the july 15 wt last year and all the changes.
lazy me had not read it online so when one bro said to me at the hall, 'have you read all the new stuff in that issue' i didn't know what he was talking about.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Hiya dog dude, glad it's settled down for you too, we're on similar paths you and I, although I resigned a while back. We all have different coping strategies, myself, I can laugh (inwardly) at the logical fallacies, the circular reasonings, the outright bull that's spouted, while viewing my meeting attendance as supporting the wife in her choice of activity. Don't know if it'll carry on forever or not but I can cope for now. HHope you find your own way mate..
Snare & Racket's Graduation Picture
by cofty inafter years of hard work and study, former bethel boy snare & racket is now officially a medical doctor.. his story is an inspiration that there can be life after the watchtower.
he has given me permission to post his graduation picture.. .
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Good man!
(ps, if you're reading this, cog Diss were talking about getting a medical person on the show to answer questions.... Get yourself on there, you can give em the jw side and the medical side of blood transfusions...)
Watchtower Approved Blood Transfusions
by Lee Elder inwe have just published a new article at ajwrb entitled:.
watchtower approved blood transfusions.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Marky mark
The elders are 'letting me fade'
by TableForOne ini attended my last meeting in january 2014, having realised that i'd been lied to for 20+ years (i'm now 43 y/o).
rumours spread of my 'apostasy'.. in may, cobe contacted me inviting me to a private meeting with elders at the kh.
(no mention of the meeting being a jc).
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Good work sir, good for you!